Sydney Kimono Contest
Japanese Kimono Reborn Collection
Japanese kimono culture is a rich tradition with a long history and a deep sense of beauty. However, with changes in modern lifestyles, its appeal is gradually being forgotten.
Our ancestors have worn a variety of costumes, including not only the kimono, but also costumes of indigenous peoples such as the Ainu and Ryukyu, and armour and costumes. We consider all these costumes to be part of the Japanese kimono culture.
In order to make this precious culture shine again and to pass on its DNA to future generations, we want to create a new future for the Japanese costume culture by linking kimono with individual creativity, philosophy and subcultures.
We provide a place where anyone, regardless of age or gender, can break out of their shell and express themselves in kimono with their own ‘individuality’ and become the star of the show in the spotlight.
Let's reconsider Japan's rich kimono culture together and show it to the world !
( A part of the proceeds will be donated to ICA International Japan. )
Programme guidelines
First round of selection
A preliminary contest will be held at the EXPO venue, Sydney Town Hall, on the theme of ‘small accessories’. Entrants will be asked to coordinate their kimono with unique Japanese accessories and have their overall world view judged alongside their kimono.
Second round of selection
Following the first round, a qualifying contest will be held under the theme ‘Kimono with originality’. Participants will be asked to wear an original Japanese costume such as ethnic costume, costume or cosplay, and will be judged on their original world view.
Judging will be based on speeches and performances, including thoughts on participating in the collection and their own challenges. The person who receives the highest evaluation will be awarded the title of JAPAN EXPO Sydney Official Ambassador.
*There are several EXPO-accredited ambassadors.
*All finalists will receive a prize. (Includes prizes exclusive to Australian residents)
*Part of the proceeds will be donated to ICA International Japan.
Kimono Competition Deluxe Prizes
1位:JAL航空券 JAPAN AIRLINES Return Flight Ticket to Tokyo
2位:Masuya $150×2 ミールバウチャー MASUYA Meal Voucher $150×2
3位:MIYAKE Samurai Armor Bag ($300相当) MIYAKE Samurai Armor Bag ( Value $300 )
4位:博多源助ラーメン1年分+YAYOIお米4.25kg ($250相当)
HAKATA GENSUKE One Year Free Ramen & YAYOI Kinme Rice bag ( Values $250 )
5位:博多源助ラーメン1年分+YAYOIお米4.25kg ($250相当)
HAKATA GENSUKE One Year Free Ramen & YAYOI Kinme Rice ( Values $250 )
KINOKUNIYA Book Voucher & Hagoita ( Values $200 )
7位:博多源助ラーメン1年分+YAYOIお米4.25kg ($250相当)
HAKATA GENSUKE One Year Free Ramen & YAYOI Kinme Rice ( Values $250 )
8位:MyZakaya $100バウチャー MyZakaya Meal Voucher $100
9位:鱒屋 50% 割引きドリンク&最初のドリンク一杯無料
Masuya Drink 50%off coupon+1st free drink
10位:YAYOIお米4.25kg YAYOI Kinme Rice ( $25相当 )
+ ファイナリスト全員に亀井ピアノリサイタルチケット
Kamei Piano Recital tickets for all finalists
* Prizes are for Australian residents only.